Shedding light Shedding light


My background is in the intersection of theoretical physics and fusion experiments; specifically, the interpretation of microwave diagnostics for fusion plasmas. To that end, I developed an open-source beam-tracing code, Scotty. I am currently pursuing new directions in synthetic diagnostics and heating and current drive.

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Journal Publications

Simulation and analysis of a high-k electron scale turbulence diagnostic for MAST-U arXiv
DC Speirs, J Ruiz-Ruiz, M Giacomin, VH Hall-Chen, ADR Phelps, RGL Vann, PG Huggard, H Wang, A Field, K Ronald.
, (2024)

Beam focusing and consequences for Doppler Backscattering measurements arXiv
J Ruiz Ruiz, FI Parra, VH Hall-Chen, N Belrhali, C Giroud, JC Hillesheim, NA Lopez, JET contributors.
, (2024)

Overview of physics results from MAST upgrade towards core-pedestal-exhaust integration link
JR Harrison, ..., VH Hall-Chen, ....
Nuclear Fusion 64, 112017 (2024)

DIII-D research to provide solutions for ITER and fusion energy link
CT Holcomb, ..., VH Hall-Chen, ....
Nuclear Fusion 64, 112003 (2024)

Design of a low frequency, density profile reflectometer system for the MAST-U spherical tokamak link
TL Rhodes, WA Peebles, L Zeng, VH Hall-Chen, K Ronald, S Kubota, Y Meng, R Lantsov, CM Michael, NA Crocker, R Scannell.
Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 083528 (2024)

New millimeter-wave diagnostics to locally probe internal density and magnetic field fluctuations in National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade link
T Macwan, K Barada, S Kubota, R Lantsov, L Bradley, Q Pratt, R Hong, CA Michael, VH Hall-Chen, J Wisniewski, J Dong, B Stratton, NA Crocker, WA Peebles, TL Rhodes.
Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 083527 (2024)

Measurement of zero-frequency fluctuations generated by coupling between Alfvén modes in the JET tokamak arXiv
J Ruiz Ruiz, J Garcia, M Barnes, M Dreval, C Giroud, VH Hall-Chen, MR Hardman, JC Hillesheim, Y Kazakov, S Mazzi, FI Parra, BS Patel, AA Schekochihin, Z Stancar, JET Contributors, EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation Team.
, (2024)

Using convolutional neural networks to detect edge-localized modes in DIII-D from Doppler backscattering measurements arXiv link
NQX Teo, VH Hall-Chen, K Barada, RJH Ng, L Gu, AK Yeoh, QT Pratt, X Garbet, TL Rhodes.
Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 073528 (2024)

Effect of mismatch on Doppler backscattering in MAST and MAST-U spherical-tokamak plasmas arXiv
VH Hall-Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillesheim, J Ruiz Ruiz, NA Crocker, P Shi, HS Chu, SJ Freethy, LA Kogan, WA Peebles, QT Pratt, TL Rhodes, K Ronald, R Scannell, DC Speirs, S Storment, J Trisno.
arXiv , (2024)

Density wavenumber spectrum measurements, synthetic diagnostic development, and tests of quasilinear turbulence modeling in the core of electron-heated DIII-D H-mode plasmas link
Q Pratt, VH Hall-Chen, T Neiser, R Hong, J Damba, TL Rhodes, KE Thome, J Yang, SR Haskey, T Cote, TA Carter.
Nuclear Fusion 64, 016001 (2024)

First data and preliminary experimental results from a new Doppler backscattering system on the MAST-U spherical tokamak arXiv link
P Shi, R Scannell, J Wen, ZB Shi, C Michael, T Rhodes, VH Hall-Chen, ZC Yang, M Jiang, WL Zhong.
Journal of Instrumentation 18, C11022 (2023)

Design elements and first data from a new Doppler backscattering system on the MAST-U spherical tokamak link
TL Rhodes, CA Michael, P Shi, R Scannell, S Storment, Q Pratt, R Lantsov, I Fitzgerald, VH Hall-Chen, N Crocker, WA Peebles.
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 113549 (2022)

Evaluation of the upgraded DIII-D Doppler backscattering system for high wavenumber measurement and signal enhancement link
J Damba, QT Pratt, VH Hall-Chen, R Hong, R Lantsov, R Ellis, TL Rhodes.
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 103549 (2022)

Validating and optimising mismatch tolerance of Doppler backscattering measurements with the beam model arXiv link
VH Hall-Chen, J Damba, FI Parra, QT Pratt, CA Michael, S Peng, TL Rhodes, NA Crocker, JC Hillesheim, R Hong, S Ni, WA Peebles, CE Png, J Ruiz Ruiz.
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 103536 (2022)

Interpreting radial correlation Doppler reflectometry using gyrokinetic simulations arXiv link
J Ruiz Ruiz, FI Parra, VH Hall-Chen, N Christen, M Barnes, J Candy, J Garcia, C Giroud, W Guttenfelder, JC Hillesheim, C Holland, NT Howard, Y Ren, AE White, JET contributors.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 055019 (2022)

Beam model of Doppler backscattering arXiv link
VH Hall-Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillesheim.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 095002 (2022)

Structural color three-dimensional printing by shrinking photonic crystals arXiv link
Y Liu, H Wang, J Ho, RC Ng, RJ Ng, VH Hall-Chen, EH Koay, Z Dong, H Liu, CW Qiu, JR Greer, JKW Yang.
Nature Communications 10, 4340 (2019)

Freestanding dielectric nanohole array metasurface for mid-infrared wavelength applications arXiv link
JR Ong, HS Chu, VH Chen, AY Zhu, P Genevet.
Optics Letters 42, 2639–2642 (2017)

Polarisation independent silicon-on-insulator slot waveguides link
VH Chen, JR Ong, CE Png.
Scientific Reports 6, 37760 (2016)

Three-dimensional single gyroid photonic crystals with a mid-infrared bandgap arXiv link
S Peng, R Zhang, VH Chen, ET Khabiboulline, P Braun, HA Atwater.
ACS Photonics 3, 1131–1137 (2016)

Optimal geometry of nonlinear silicon slot waveguides accounting for the effect of waveguide losses link
JR Ong and VH Chen.
Optics Express 23, 33622–33633 (2015)

Distribution of switching fields in thin films with uni-axial magnetic anisotropy link
NL Yakovlev, YY Tay, ZJ Tay, HV Chen.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 329, 170–177 (2013)

Two-axis magnetisation analysis of epitaxial cobalt films link
NL Yakovlev, H Chen, K Zhang.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11, 2575–2578 (2011)

Book Chapters

Localized polaritons of multi-particle systems link
L Wu, VH Chen, P Bai, S Sun.
In Nanophotonics and Plasmonics: An Integrated View, Eds. YA Akimov and CE Png, CRC Press (2017)


Beam model of Doppler backscattering link
VH Hall-Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillsheim.
IPS Meeting, invited talk (2023)

Interpreting Doppler backscattering with beam tracing and reciprocity: theory and experiment
VH Hall-Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillsheim, J Ruiz Ruiz, NA Crocker, J Damba, HS Chu, SJ Freethy, LA Kogan, CA Michael, WA Peebles, QT Pratt, TL Rhodes, K Ronald, R Scannell, P Shi, DC Speirs, S Storment, J Trisno.
24th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, invited talk (2022)

High-k mm-wave scattering diagnostic for measuring poloidal wavenumber electron-scale turbulence on MAST-U link
DC Speirs, ADR Phelps, VH Hall-Chen, AR Field, RGL Vann, K Ronald.
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, poster presentation (2021)

Interpreting Doppler backscattering with beam tracing and reciprocity in tokamak geometry link
VH Hall-Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillesheim.
62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, poster presentation (2020)

Modelling the effects of misaligning the probe beam and magnetic field in Doppler backscattering measurements
VH Hall-Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillesheim.
14th International Reflectometry Workshop, oral presentation (2019)

Effects of misaligning the probe beam and magnetic field in Doppler backscattering measurements link
VH Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillesheim.
45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, poster presentation (2018)

Doppler backscattering measurements of fusion plasmas
VH Chen, FI Parra, JC Hillesheim.
IEEE NPSS (Singapore Chapter), technical seminar (2017)

Magnetic and optical properties of cobalt thin films with uniaxial anisotropy
H Chen, YY Tay, ZJ Tay, YJ Nguoi, NL Yakovlev.
International Conference for Young Researchers on Advanced Materials, poster presentation (2012)